User Experience

The Dos and Don’ts of Designing for Mobile User Experience

In today's digital age, where smartphones are practically an extension of ourselves, ensuring an exceptional mobile user experience (UX) is non-negotiable. The surge in mobile device usage demands websites and applications to be seamlessly accessible on the go. Let's dive into the dos and don'ts of designing for mobile UX that can make or break your user engagement.

Dos of Mobile UX Design

Prioritise Responsive Design

In a world where devices come in all shapes and sizes, a responsive layout is your knight in shining armour. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about functionality. Responsive design ensures your website adapts elegantly to various screen sizes, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience.

Optimise for Touch

Consider this: your users are tapping, swiping, and pinching. Design your mobile interface with touch-friendly elements. Think about button sizes, spacing, and gestures. A seamless touch experience translates to a happier and more engaged user.

Fast Loading Times

Patience is a virtue, but not in the digital realm. Slow-loading pages are a recipe for user frustration. Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and minimise redirects to ensure your pages load at the speed of now.

Simple Navigation

Mobile users are on the move, and they need to get to the point swiftly. Craft simple and intuitive navigation. Users should be able to find what they're looking for without feeling like they're on a treasure hunt.

Readable Typography

Size matters, especially when it comes to font on smaller screens. Legible text is not just a preference; it's a necessity. Choose fonts wisely, ensuring readability without sacrificing style.

Prioritise Core Content

Less is more, especially on mobile. Prioritise essential content to avoid overwhelming users. Make every word count. A streamlined experience keeps users engaged without unnecessary clutter.

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Don'ts of Mobile UX Design

Avoiding Flashy Pop-ups

Pop-ups are the ninjas of annoyance. While they might have their time and place, flashy pop-ups on mobile are the equivalent of someone shouting in your face. Opt for subtlety or risk losing your audience.

Overloading with Features

In the quest for innovation, don't drown your mobile app or site in features. Simplicity is the key to user satisfaction. A streamlined design with well-thought-out features will always outshine a cluttered interface.

Ignoring Cross-Browser Compatibility

Your masterpiece might look flawless on Chrome, but what about Safari or Firefox? Ignoring cross-browser compatibility is like composing a symphony that only sounds good on one type of instrument. Test across browsers to ensure a harmonious user experience.

Neglecting Image Optimisation

Images speak louder than words, but they shouldn't scream at the expense of loading times. Optimise images without compromising quality. Strike the right balance to keep your mobile audience captivated.

Non-Responsive Forms

Forms are the gateway to user interaction, but a non-responsive form is like a closed door. Ensure your forms adapt to various screen sizes. A frustrating form-filling experience can turn users away faster than you can say "user experience."

Ignoring User Feedback

Your users are your best critics. Ignoring their feedback is like sailing through a storm with your eyes closed. Actively seek and consider user feedback to continually enhance your mobile UX.


Navigating the dynamic landscape of mobile technology demands an unwavering commitment to crafting an unparalleled user experience. By adhering to responsive design principles, touch optimisation, fast loading times, simplified navigation, readable typography, and a focus on core content, you're not just building a platform — you're constructing a digital haven for your users.

Conversely, steering clear of flashy pop-ups, eschewing feature overload, ensuring cross-browser compatibility, optimising images judiciously, implementing responsive forms, and embracing user feedback are the guardians against the pitfalls that can tarnish your digital masterpiece.

As you embark on this journey, viewing your designs through the lens of these dos and don'ts, consider it a voyage into the heart of user-centricity. Strive not just for functionality but for an experience that resonates, captivates, and leaves an indelible mark on every user. In mobile UX, excellence isn't a goal; it's the foundation upon which digital legacies are built.

59er Digital Team

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